18th February 2013: LAUNCH DAY: Robert Mitchell’s ‘The Glimpse’ released worldwide today


Whirlwind Recordings is proud to announce the official worldwide release of ‘The Glimpse’ by Robert Mitchell is today.

Now you can purchase the album in all good record stores around the world, as well as online at over 70 digital retailers. As exciting as that is, the best way to support Robert directly is to purchase right from our site. As we are a musician-owned and operated record label and have enabled the capability to purchase physical cds, digital downloads and individual tracks right here on our site, when you make a purchase here your support goes directly to the artists themselves and no money goes to any third party large corporation(s).  We’ve worked hard to by-pass all of that so that you have a direct link to supporting our great world-class artists.  The result is more support back to the artist which then means more great music can be created by those artists.  And we appreciate all of this support so much, because without fans like you, we wouldn’t have anyone to share our music with.  To purchase Robert’s album from our site, click here. And a big congratulations to Robert on his release day.

