9th May 2014: Review from Bird is the Worm for Multiplicity’s ‘Leave the Door Open’

Harrison-PACKLeave The Door Open is a recent release on Whirlwind Recordings by world renown musicians Joel Harrison and Anupam Shobhakar’s group ‘Multiplicity’. An album that takes influences from the worlds of Indian classical, jazz, blues and roots music, it has already gained many glowing reviews with 5 stars from Jazz Journal and DieRedaktion and 4 stars from both Downbeat and The Irish Times.

In today we have another review to add to the collection, this time from Bird is the Worm who say that “the most compelling aspect of Leave the Door Open is the steady stream of transitions between genres, like a poetic game of word association laid out on a brightly lit path” continuing to say that the album “brings together the music approaches of jazz, classical Indian, rock, folk, and blues, and rather than include them all as ingredients in some sonic cocktail, instead they identify the commonalities, the soft points of connectivity between the varied music forms, and create a single fluid stream of expressionism where one bleeds into the next with a seamless precision, an act made more impressive in the way the previous genre continues to linger even as the subsequent sound is under way.”

The review rounds up by stating that in the recording “It is where change and constant become indistinguishable from one another.  It is why this music is so damn thrilling.”

To purchase the release please check out the album page, and featured below we have a full length sample from the album.
