12th May 2020: Introducing #WhirlwindInFocus – a new exclusive series of artist features, interviews, Q&A & Live sessions available only on the Whirlwind website

We’re pleased to announce a new development at Whirlwind: #WhirlwindInFocus.

As a result of Covid-19 we’ve needed to immediately alter the way we work as a label, and one positive change will be working even closer with our artists – both past and present – to help promote their music in new ways.  We’re starting this with an initiative we’re calling #WhirlwindInFocus – a new series of written features, Q & A sessions, video interviews & live playing sessions that will be available exclusively on the Whirlwind website and on our YouTube Channel.  This new content will be an editorial extension to our current news feed.

With each feature we aim to dive deeper into our artists’ vision on everything from thoughts on their overall creative practice, compositional process, instrumental exercises & routines as well as hearing  tour anecdotes or how they are coping during the Covid-19 pandemic. The content will be made available exclusively on the #WhirlwindInFocus tab on the upper right corner of the site, and shared on our socials for you to enjoy.  Stay tuned for the first feature.


