22nd July 2019: International praise for Seamus Blake’s ‘Guardians of the Heart Machine’ includes ★★★★ reviews from All About Jazz, Jazzwise Magazine, Concerto Magazine + DownBeat Magazine + JazzTimes Magazine + Jazzwise Magazine Feature

Guardians of the Heart Machine – the debut Whirlwind release from tenor saxophonist Seamus Blake – symbolizes and protects the importance of creating music with feeling, blending his considerable experience in contemporary jazz with three exciting players originally from the French scene – pianist Tony Tixier, double bassist Florent Nisse and drummer Gautier Garrigue.





Here are the latest press highlights for Guardians of the Heart Machine

“The album’s mood is comprehensive, ranging from the mellow ballad “I’m Okay” to the angular “Lanota,” but all sharing the unifying characteristics of sheer bravura performances and satisfyingly assured compositions.”
★★★★ All About Jazz (full review)

“Blake sounds self assured, whether he’s blowing hard or whispering into his mouthpiece… His tone and everyone’s compositional strengths sail over national borders.”
DownBeat Magazine

“The saxophonist [Blake] himself is on top form throughout, showing the dazzlingly complete technique, passionate delivery and unique grasp of harmony that’s made his influence so audible in a generation of younger players.”
Jazz Views (full review)

“Dazzling improvisations, magnificent arrangements… A dynamic vision of contemporary hard bop… Simply splendid… A must listen.”
Radio REC

“An accomplished, strikingly original voice… Blake deserves to be heard.”
★★★★ Jazzwise Magazine

“Fluid lines and endlessly inventive runs… an excellent recording.”
Jazz Journal (full review)

“Virtuosity in both the composition and the performance on this first class recording.”
★★★★ Concerto Magazine

“A first-class album from a world-class saxophonist.”
Jazz ‘n’ More

“Symbolises and preserves the importance of delivering music with emotion.”
Rheinmain Magazine

“An exciting, young saxophonist who upholds, embraces and embodies the pure values of jazz.”

“A lively yet refined improviser with brilliant technique and outstanding expression.”
Jazz Podium
