23rd October 2013: Concert Reviews from The Jazz Breakfast & Bebop Spoken Here plus Tour Preview from The Breakfast for Rachael Cohen’s Debut Release ‘Halftime’

RC-Front-CoverOn November 18th saxophonist and composer Rachael Cohen will be releasing her debut album Halftime on WWR and already ahead of the release we have in a concert review from The Jazz Breakfast on her recent Halftime release tour. They announce that “she has a warm tone, with none of the stridency the alto can be prone to” and continues with “her playing has a melodic logic which is both fresh and at the same time easy to follow.”

We also have a review in from Bebop Spoken Here who take highlight to guitarist Tom Ford as well as Rachael’s alto saxophone tone, noting it as “a tone that, even unmiked, is absolutely beautiful”.

On top of this we have a preview from The Jazz Breakfast for her release tour, viewable here.

Samples of the release will be up very soon, so make sure to check that out – album page here.

