Disclaimer: Our sheet music has been provided to us by our artists and we only allow charts to be sold if they are prepared and clearly notated to the highest professional standard. As we’ve done our very best to ensure these charts are flawless, we cannot be responsible if there are any incorrect notes here or there, or small discrepancies with the charts compared to the recording. If you have a question about your sheet music once purchased, you should contact the album artist directly (via their own website) and they will be happy to answer any questions. Once purchased, you’ll either get a zip file to download to your desktop containing the sheet music listed, or you’ll be sent the charts in the mail (one copy of each chart listed). The copyright of this sheet music is retained by the artist, and is not to be resold or shared publicly on any websites offering free sheet music. For private use and school (classroom or ensemble) use only. Thank you for supporting our artists. If you represent a school and would like to purchase all of this sheet music, please contact us at info@whirlwindrecordings.com and we’d be happy to offer you a discount.
